Friday, April 6, 2012

Progress: March 18-25

Image 1: This was my 2nd inflatable. The main concept was a re-occurring dream about Colorado. It was supposed to represent the mountains, snow and the deep blue sky. Since there were 2 different types of fabrics that were used in this piece, the fabrics were different densities and would not inflate at the same rate. Because of this, it did not inflate the way I had intended it to.

So, I decided to take this original design apart and start from the beginning. I finally got my fabric in for the rest of my IP project and was able to use the Zund knife cutter to create more of these octopus like shapes for the rest of this piece.

Image 2: This is a test strip of the nylon rip stop I used for the inflatable. I wanted to make sure that the textile paint pigments worked with the nylon material. Luckily it did!
Image 3,4, and 5:
These are pieces of the nylon rip stop that I hand painted using different shades of pinks, oranges and blues. The imagery's shape represents mountains, the deep blue color represents the color of the sky, and the bright pinks, oranges and blues represents the various colors of the sunset.

Image 6: After hand painting each shape, I then sewed all the halves together.

Image 7: Since the time I inflated this piece it did not inflate the way I had hoped, I decided to make one of the top seams Velcro that way if it doesn't inflate the second time around, I wont have to take it a part and re-sew it once again.

Logged Hours:
-Tuesday: 11 am-6 pm (take a part inflatable-7 hours)
-Wednesday: 8 pm-12:30 am (draw designs onto fabric-4.5 hours)
-Thursday: 12 pm-4:30 pm (cut other fabric on Zund Cutter and draw the rest of designs-4.5 hours)
-Friday: 1 pm-8 pm (paint fabric pieces-7 hours)
-Saturday: 3 pm-10 pm (paint fabric pieces-7 hours)
-Sunday: 4 pm-12:30 am (paint fabric and figure out how to put inflatable together-8.5 hours)

Total Hours: 38.5 hours

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