Saturday, April 21, 2012

Progress April 2nd - April 8th

I finally completed screen printing all of the tubes and then had to cut the end circles.  I figured out the diameter and circumference of each circle but for whatever reason the circles I cut ended up being much larger than the actual tube shape.  It ended up taking an entire day to figure out how to properly match of the circle shapes to the tubes.

Image 1:  I also had to find a way to secure the tubes to the back of the fans without using tape.  I didnt want to use tape to attach the fan to the fabric because it looked incomplete and not thought out.  In the end, I created a draw string for each tube that would be secured to the back of each fan. 

Image 2: MOCAD Joshua White Inspiration
To add to my installation, I continued to speak with Jeff Alder and Tom Bray about lighting and also getting a projector to project images onto the pyramid shape.  As I explained in earlier blog posts, I got the idea of lighting from the Joshua White Light Show exhibit at the MOCAD. Joshua White was famous for his use of projecting bright swirls of color onto concert backdrops.  He used several different colored lights as well.  Through viewing this exhibit, I knew I wanted my installation to be dark and have lighting bring out certain colors in my pieces. 

Jeff Alder and I spoke with several different lighting companies around the area to see where we could get the best deal on 6 par 36 lights.  Jeff and I discussed how many lights she be on each inflatable and which inflatables we should use colored lights for.  I was able to borrow colored gels from the Duderstadt center so I didnt have to pay for them.  We also had to stay in contact with Mark Neilson and Peter to discuss what wattage we could use so we didnt blow a fuse in the gallery. 

Image 3: Joshua Whites water and oil projections from the 70's (inspiration)
Tom Bray helped me with finding a projector that I could rent for 2 weeks along with some kind of footage I could use that was similar to the projections Joshua White used in his concerts.  Joshua would put different colored water and oil onto a clear turntable that would be placed on a projector.  As time was becoming an issue for me, I was afraid that I would have to create this footage myself.  Luckily, Tom Bray knew a girl that had recently experimented with this Joshua White technique.  She allowed me to use some of her footage and I was extremely grateful!

Logged Hours:
-Monday: 7pm-2am (7 hours)-screen printing tubes
-Tuesday: 2pm-5pm and 10pm-2am (7 hours)- screen printing tubes
-Wednesday: 5pm-2am (9 hours)- sewing inflatables
-Thursday: 10am-3:30pm (5.5 hours)-working on lighting and projector
-Friday: 1:30pm-10:30pm (9 hours)- sewing circles and trouble shooting size of circles and how to attach fans to inflatables securely

Total hours: 37.5 hours

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